Viceversa Tarot (Lo Scarabeo)

Viceversa Tarot. Lo Scarabeo, Italy. Full divinatory tarot deck, Mediterranean suited, 78 double-sided cards + divinatory-meanings booklet. Size: 65mm x 120mm.

Deck make-up:
Trumps: 0-21.
Pentacles (i.e. coins), wands (i.e. clubs), chalices (i.e. cups), swords: A, 2-10, foot jack ("page"), mounted jack ("knight"), queen, king.

Like the earlier Tarot Of The New Vision, this pleasing deck is an attempt to show the classic Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) images but from a 180° change of viewpoint. The deck is the idea of Massimilliano Filadoro and Lunaea Weatherstone with the artwork competently executed by David E Corsi. It was released in 2017.

The blurb explains: "Most tarot decks have 78 card images. The Viceversa Tarot has 156! Each Arcana is an archetype, captured and frozen by the tarot artist as a moment in time and space, and then portrayed symbolically on the card. The Viceversa Tarot adds yet another dimension to the familiar cards. Rather than one image for each card, this deck offers two. As each card slowly reveals an alternate point of view, additional elements comes [sic] into play as the symbols morph and blend and contrast. The reading reachs [sic] to an unexpected depth that defies logical interpretation." Hmm. Tarot... logical? The booklet then starts rattling on about Macrobius, Janus and Pythagorus, and I lost track at that point. There is apparently a full book included in the "kit" version of the deck, so maybe this explains things a bit better?

Basically, you have a redrawing (with some added extras) of the original RWS pictures on the front of each card (although some, e.g. 4 swords, 9 swords and 5 clubs, move quite far away from the traditional imagery), and an imagined view from the reverse direction on the back. The back image usually also features a switch between daytime and night-time. The double-headed nature of the cards necessitates a different way from normal of doing a reading, but luckily how to do this is explained in the Little White Booklet that comes with the standalone deck (i.e. you don't need the big book from the kit version for this). It seems the back and fronts of the major arcana carry different meanings when they occur in a spread, but both sides of the minors carry identical meanings. Go figure.

Click on any card to explore the design. The galleries show the front of each card followed by the reverse. You can optionally choose to also display the original Rider-Waite-Smith cards alongside, for comparison purposes.

(Comments or corrections, please e-mail: Click to see e-mail address.)

Card image size, below:     

Comparative images shown (before each front/back pair, show the Rider-Waite-Smith original):     


For some reason, I don't really like the trend of putting buxom maidens on tarot cards that – as exemplified by The Empress card here – has become fashionable in recent years; I much prefer androgynous figures. I just don't get an "Empress" vibe from this depiction.
I'm a bit stumped how the back of card X is supposed to be a reversal from the front.
The reverse of The Death card is interesting, but I've no idea what it is supposed to represent!

Pentacles (i.e. coins)

Wands (i.e. clubs)

Chalices (i.e. cups)

Aren't the two sides of the 3 of cups/chalices the wrong way around? (Note that you can tell which are supposed to be the front images as the cards have the suit symbols on the left for the front, right for the back. This doesn't work for the trumps, though.)


In the same way that I don't like busty maidens adorning tarot cards, I'm also not keen on male figures looking like they've just stepped off the TV show Gladiators, as per the page of swords here.




The deck on this page is one masterminded by a Golden Dawn (or its offshoots) member, or designed to adhere to their concepts of tarot. A list of other major such decks is given below (scroll/swipe to the right if needed):

Deck Author/s Artist/s (if diff.) Release year "Official" guide book Notes
Marseilles tarot / Tarot de Marseille unknown various 15th century The Tarot: Its Occult Signification, Use In Fortune-Telling, And Method Of Play, Etc. The booklet cited (written in 1888 by Samuel L MacGregor Mathers of the Golden Dawn) gives "official" Golden Dawn divinatory meanings when using the Marseilles tarot (referred to at that time as the Italian tarot).
In 1889, Swiss occultist and artist, Oswald Wirth, designed a well-known tarot specifically for esoteric use with his own versions of the trumps in the Marseilles pattern.
The Rider-Waite[-Smith] Tarot Arthur Edward Waite Pamela Colman Smith 1909 The [Pictorial] Key To The Tarot
Builders Of The Adytum (BOTA) Tarot Paul Foster Case Jessie Burns Parke 1931 The Tarot: A Key To The Wisdom Of The Ages or Highlights Of Tarot [NB doesn't cover pip cards] Revised version of Rider-Waite with some "corrected" trumps and courts, and simple pip cards. Trumps also issued in colour form; full deck is b&w.
Thoth Tarot Deck Aleister Crowley Lady Frieda Harris 1972 (painted 1938-43) The Book Of Thoth (Egyptian Tarot): A Short Essay On The Tarot Of The Egyptians
The Golden Dawn Tarot (aka The Whare Ra deck) Israel Regardie Robert Wang 1978 An Introduction To The Golden Dawn Tarot
The Hermetic Tarot Godfrey Dowson 1979 Only the Little White Booklet that comes with the deck. Black & white.
Golden Dawn Magical Tarot (aka The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot) Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero (with Israel Regardie) 1991 Golden Dawn Magical Tarot / The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot "Ritual" was the earlier name. Do not confuse this deck with the one below – they are different!
The Magical Tarot Of The Golden Dawn Pat Zalewski & Chris Zalewski Skip Dudchous & David Sledzinski 2022 The Magical Tarot Of The Golden Dawn: Revised Ed. Earlier editions had art by Jonathon A Pierce instead. This deck is not to be confused with the similarly named deck above!

Links to other Rider-Waite-Smith tarot pages

Computer Tarot Reading A smartphone-friendly (I hope) animated Tarot-reading program. With Waite and Mathers divinatory meanings.

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Divinatory Meanings (desktop version) App which gives meanings of RWS cards – saves messing with booklets! Also in mobile version or hardcopy/pdf version. See which you like.

Links to full tarot and divinatory decks

Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck (AGM-Urania)

Ancient Italian Tarot / Tarocchino Milanese (Lo Scarabeo)

Before Tarot (Lo Scarabeo)

After Tarot (Lo Scarabeo)

Golden Dawn Magical Tarot (Llewellyn Books)

The Golden Dawn Tarot (U.S. Games Systems)

Grand Etteilla (Tarots Egyptiens / Egyptian gypsies tarot) (Grimaud)

Grand Jeu De Mlle Lenormand (Grimaud)

(Petit) Lenormand / "Blue Owl" Lenormand (AGM-Urania)

The Hermetic Tarot (U.S. Games Systems)

Tarot Hiéroglyphique Egyptien (unknown, France)

Learning Tarot Cards (Witchy Cauldron)

Llewellyn's Classic Tarot (Llewellyn Books)

Tarot De Marseille (Yoav Ben-Dov restoration, U.S. Games Systems)

Minchiate Fiorentine (Baragioli)

Tarot Of The New Vision (Lo Scarabeo)

Nouveau Jeu De La Main (Grimaud)

Tarots Parisiens / Oracles Planetaires / Sorcier du XIXe Siècle (Viuda de Bouchard-Huzard)

Tarot Of The Renaissance (Lo Scarabeo)

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (Rider)

RWS Panorama (Deckstiny)

Sola-Busca Tarot (privately commissioned deck)

Le Tarot Astrologique / The Astrological Tarot (Grimaud)

Tarot De Marseille (Conver-Camoin)

Tarot: Spécial Cercle / Tarot Nouveau / Tarot A Jouer / Jeu De Tarot / Bourgeois Tarot (Grimaud)

Viceversa Tarot (Lo Scarabeo)

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