Tarot Hiéroglyphique Egyptien. Unknown, France. Bespoke divinatory deck, 22 single-headed cards + instruction booklet. Size: 77mm x 161mm.
Deck make-up:
Trumps: 22 cards.
A tarot authored around 1897 by Mme Dulora de la Haye (a writer on esoteric matters), publisher unknown. It goes without saying that these cards have nothing to do with ancient Egypt (this claimed origin of tarot is complete fabrication but still gets trotted out even today).
The deck seems to be loosely based on the standard Renaissance trumps (e.g. Justice, Fortune, Strength, Death et al.) but there are some new ones thrown into the mix (Le Roi = The King, La Reine = The Queen, La Croix = The Cross, Le Vase = The Vase, La Bouclier = The Shield, La Voie Lactée = The Milky Way, La Volonté = Willpower).
Le Supplice (Torture/Execution) is a new twist on The Hanged Man card – the card here shows Saint Sebastian (I presume) being shot with arrows.
The instructions (in French) are given below. Print-on-demand versions of the deck are available from various sites.
Click on any card to explore the design.
(Comments or corrections, please e-mail: Click to see e-mail address.)
Card image size, below:
Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck (AGM-Urania)
Ancient Italian Tarot / Tarocchino Milanese (Lo Scarabeo)
Golden Dawn Magical Tarot (Llewellyn Books)
The Golden Dawn Tarot (U.S. Games Systems)
Grand Etteilla (Tarots Egyptiens / Egyptian gypsies tarot) (Grimaud)
Grand Jeu De Mlle Lenormand (Grimaud)
(Petit) Lenormand / "Blue Owl" Lenormand (AGM-Urania)
The Hermetic Tarot (U.S. Games Systems)
Tarot Hiéroglyphique Egyptien (unknown, France)
Learning Tarot Cards (Witchy Cauldron)
Llewellyn's Classic Tarot (Llewellyn Books)
Tarot De Marseille (Yoav Ben-Dov restoration, U.S. Games Systems)
Minchiate Fiorentine (Baragioli)
Tarot Of The New Vision (Lo Scarabeo)
Nouveau Jeu De La Main (Grimaud)
Tarots Parisiens / Oracles Planetaires / Sorcier du XIXe Siècle (Viuda de Bouchard-Huzard)
Tarot Of The Renaissance (Lo Scarabeo)
Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (Rider)
Sola-Busca Tarot (privately commissioned deck)
Le Tarot Astrologique / The Astrological Tarot (Grimaud)
Tarot De Marseille (Conver-Camoin)
Tarot: Spécial Cercle / Tarot Nouveau / Tarot A Jouer / Jeu De Tarot / Bourgeois Tarot (Grimaud)