Grand jeu de Mlle Lenormand. Grimaud, France. Bespoke divinatory deck, 55 single-headed cards + divinatory-meanings booklet. Size: 90mm x 128mm.
Deck make-up:
Cards: 1-52 + 2 consultant cards.
Extras: Frances Cartes advertising card.
Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand (1772–1843) was a French professional fortune-teller of considerable fame during the Napoleonic era. In France, Lenormand is considered the greatest cartomancer of all time, highly influential on the wave of French cartomancy that began in the late 18th century. Lenormand claimed to have given cartomantic advice to many famous persons, among them leaders of the French revolution (Marat, Robespierre and St-Just), Empress Josephine and Tsar Alexander I. She was active for more than 40 years. After Lenormand's death her name was used on several cartomancy decks including a deck of 54 illustrated cards known as the Grand Lenormand still used extensively today.
This deck is the big brother of the Petit Lenormand, but the Petit Lenormand isn't a subset of this deck – none of the cards are common to both. This deck seems to be more classical and mythology based, whereas the Petit's imagery is more about the everyday.
Click on any card to explore the design.
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Card image size, below:
Each card has five images to choose from, so the divinator is rather spoiled for choice (with this many options, you can see why fortune-telling "works", can't you?) The little white booklet enclosed does not enlighten us as to the meaning of the constellations shown at the top of the cards, or the letters shown top-right.
The final two consultant cards are simply used as markers to represent the querent (male or female) in a layout.
The third scan of the little white booklet shows some example divinatory meanings (L.I. = large image, S.I. = small image).
Grand Jeu De Mlle Lenormand LWB.
Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck (AGM-Urania)
Ancient Italian Tarot / Tarocchino Milanese (Lo Scarabeo)
Golden Dawn Magical Tarot (Llewellyn Books)
The Golden Dawn Tarot (U.S. Games Systems)
Grand Etteilla (Tarots Egyptiens / Egyptian gypsies tarot) (Grimaud)
Grand Jeu De Mlle Lenormand (Grimaud)
(Petit) Lenormand / "Blue Owl" Lenormand (AGM-Urania)
The Hermetic Tarot (U.S. Games Systems)
Tarot Hiéroglyphique Egyptien (unknown, France)
Learning Tarot Cards (Witchy Cauldron)
Llewellyn's Classic Tarot (Llewellyn Books)
Tarot De Marseille (Yoav Ben-Dov restoration, U.S. Games Systems)
Minchiate Fiorentine (Baragioli)
Tarot Of The New Vision (Lo Scarabeo)
Nouveau Jeu De La Main (Grimaud)
Tarots Parisiens / Oracles Planetaires / Sorcier du XIXe Siècle (Viuda de Bouchard-Huzard)
Tarot Of The Renaissance (Lo Scarabeo)
Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot (Rider)
Sola-Busca Tarot (privately commissioned deck)
Le Tarot Astrologique / The Astrological Tarot (Grimaud)
Tarot De Marseille (Conver-Camoin)
Tarot: Spécial Cercle / Tarot Nouveau / Tarot A Jouer / Jeu De Tarot / Bourgeois Tarot (Grimaud)