ITU International Morse Code

This is the variety in use today. The timing rules are as follows:

A prosign is a sequence of consecutive letters sent without the normal space between the letters (i.e. they are run together). These sequences are usually written as e.g. SOS, and can be sent in this software with the letters enclosed between angle brackets e.g. <SOS>. The Morse produced by this would be, for example, ...- - -... rather than ...  - - -  ... This can be leveraged to produce any Morse sequence desired, by using single E(.) and T(-) letters in a prosign, e.g. <EETT> for ..- - For lists of the many prosigns, please consult a table elsewhere.

Punctuation accepted: & ., ? ! ' / ( )  :; = + - _ " $ @
Special characters accepted: À Ä Å Ą Æ Ć Ĉ Ç Đ(D-stroke) Ð(Eth) É È Ę Ĝ Ĥ Ĵ Ł Ń Ñ Ó Ö Ø Ś Ŝ Š Þ Ü Ŭ Ź Ż (the CH digraph can be made by prosign <MM>).

American Railroad Morse Code

This is no longer used, but was used in the US decreasingly until the 1960s. There were many variants in timing of this code and there appears to have been no real official standard. So, I have chosen to rationalize things as follows:

It should be noted that (unlike ITU International Morse) some letters in American Morse contain a 2-dot-length space somewhere within them (C, O, R, Y, Z, &). L is represented by a 4-dot-length dash; 0 by a 6-dot-length dash (this often seemed to vary). Please see a code table for details.

Punctuation accepted: & ., ? !
Special characters accepted: none.


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