Cards - Cheery Families (Marks and Spencer plc)

Cheery Families. Marks and Spencer plc, United Kingdom. Bespoke gaming deck, 52 cards + rule card. Size: 77mm x 107mm.

Deck make-up:
Cards: 52 cards: 13 families with 4 members each (father, mother, son, daughter).
Extras: rule card.

2009 re-release of a game to celebrate the 125th anniversary of Marks and Spencer stores. The box says: "Cheery Familes was first sold as part of a range called 'St. Michael Juvenile Card Games' and today this timeless game will still provide hours of fun for all the family." This release is thought to date from the late 1930s. However, the game isn't original as a De La Rue version, dating from the 1890s (possibly earlier), had previously done the rounds. The De La Rue version had the same artwork (by Richard Doyle) but in full colour; the Marks' version is in two colours (red and black) only.

The game itself is a version of Happy Families, with the families each having a tradesperson as the father.

Click on any card to explore the design.

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Card image size, below:     

Tailor's family

Shoemaker's family

Baker's family

Doctor's family

Painter's family

Carpenter's family

I wouldn't be detecting a Jewish stereotype here, would I?

Grocer's family

Barrister's family

I may be missing something, but why is this family called Bounce?

Gardener's family

Schoolmaster's family

Butcher's family

Brewer's family

Fishmonger's family

Wouldn't want to meet him on a dark night!


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